Coalition To Lower Fuel Prices In Maine  

' Proactively seeking resolves to high fuel prices and related issues. " 


Winter is fast approaching us in the great Pine Tree State.  It is a time for us all to focus on ' keeping warm" . In doing so let's also keep focus on our friends, family and neighbors as well. No one should be cold during a Maine winter.

The Governor and his Pre-Emergency Task Force have developed several websites with information from winterizing your homes to help with heating fuel.    click on the red energy icon on the left side of the screen.  or call 2-1-1

***There will also we WARM SHELTERS made available in case of statewide emergencies.

Check Your Local Papers : Churches and Organizations alike are having fundraisers within their community for heating fuel funds, please consider attending or donating to these actions if possible.

Those ' in need " contact the individuals running these actions as well.